
Showing posts from December, 2021

2021 Obituaries

  Christchurch  High School Old Boys’ Association (Incorporated) The Christchurch Boys' High School Old Boys Association wish to honour those who are no longer with us. The roll call : 20/12/2021 Obituaries 2021 Aitchison Brian Peter 1951-53 0n 1/1/2021 Allen  David Kinnimont 1941-51 on 21/2/2021 Anderson  Peter Edwin  1961-65 in Kuala Lumpur on 22/11/2021 Anthony John Richmond 1960-61 on 6/9/2021 Austin Lloyd Selwood 1962-64 on 10/8/2021 Baggaley Jonathan Nicholas 1983-87 on 20/7/2021 Bailey Alan Newton, 1944-47 on 29/10/2021 Banbury John  Bruce 1964-68 on 3/4/2021 Barker Raymond George 1941-44 on 28/5/2021 Beckett Francis William 1944-49 on 6/1/1-2021 Bennett  Gerald Malcolm,  1946 on 26/11/2021 Berry Ernest John 1944-46 on 31/5/2021 Berry Keith  Joseph 1968-71 on 5/9/2021 Bignell William Frank 1938-40 on 14/6/2021 Blair Rodney Vincent 1951-55 on 27/10/2021 Boaz Leonard Malcolm 1946-48 on 21/1/2021 Bobby Paul Sydney 1967-70 on 1/7/2021 Brown Peter Goldie 1944-48 on 6/10/2021 Bur