2022 Obituaries

 Obituaries  1/1/22 to 31/12/22

Aickin, Richard Paul 1973-76 on  13/5/2022

Alderson, John Dalton         1946-47 on 6/11/22

Armstrong, David Wright         1944-46 on 25/4/2022

Baerd, Jesse Simson 1996-2000 on 21/1/2022

Bailey, Kenneth Charles         1947-49 on 15/2/2022

Bailey, John Alfred         1950-52 on 6/4/2022

Ball, Cleeve John         1948-49 on 28/5/2022

Bell, Owen Francis         1956-60 on 1/6/2022

Bennett, Paul Macintosh         1959-62 on 18/12/22

Bigg, Peter James         1961-65 on 7/6/2022

Bishop, Michael Agnus         1952 on 19/5/2022

Blair, Roger Reid         1959-62 on 22/9/22

Blatchford, David Hastings 1963-65 on 2/7/2022

Bourne, Maurice James         1949-51 on 16/6/2022

Boyd, Bruce Nicol         1949-51 on 15/4/2022

Brooke, Ross Malcolm         1936-41 on 1/1/2022 (Hon Life Member)

Brown, Kenneth Charles         1954-56 on 11/1/2022

Butcher, John Frederick         1948-51 on 29/7/22

Calderwood, Michael Ivanhoe 1952-55 on 16/2/2022

Calderwood, Richard Kent Murray 1958-60 on 15/9/22

Campbell, Donald Henry         1945-48 on 26/10/22

Carr, Murray Robert 1949-51 on 22/7/2022

Carrell, Anthony Peter         1952-56 on 14/7/2022

Carrell, David William 1985 on 13/11/22

Chamberlain, Thomas Robert         1966-70 on 1/1/2022 (England)

Chapman, Cecil Albert Percival 1952-54 on 17/3/2022

Clarke, Bevan John 1953-57 on 9/6/2022

Clements, Thomas David 1943-45 on 17/2/2022

Cole, Cedrick Lionel Desmond 1940-42 on 25/9/22

Cookson, Allen Stewart         1953-57 on 2/12/22

Cooper, Douglas George 1958-62 on 24/10/22

Coulter, Trevor Albert David 1949-50 on 20/6/2022

Crampton, Robert Maurice 1954-58 on 24/7/2022

Creighton, Frank          1953-55 on 23/2022

Creighton, John Neville         1950-54 on 6/4/2022

Croft, Thomas Henry 1948-50 on 25/11/22

Cross, Edwin John         1963-66 on 26/5/2022

Curragh, Mervyn James         1944-48 on 19/5/2022

Day, Gerald Rupert         1944-48 on 14/9/22

De Vries, Vincent Joseph 1983-86 on 20/9/22

Dearsley, Peter (Pete) John 1957-61 on 29/11/22

Dobson, David John 1945-49 on 4/2/2022

Donaldson, Richard Raymond Cowell 1955-59 on 2/1/2022 (Hon Life Member)

Double, Murray James         1968-70 on 19/7/2022

Duckmanton, Maurice Raymond Cowell 1942-44 on 12/10/22

Dunshea, Malcolm Gordon 1947-51 on 1/7/2022

Elsom, Gary Allan         1962-66 on 18/8/22

Fairweather, William John 1953-56 on 27/11/22

Fleming, John Churchill         1958-62 on 17/4/2022

Foot, Neville Walton 1950-51 on 26/6/2022

Foster, Timothy John 1980-81 on 15/9/22

Foubister, Robin         1947-50 on 22/1/2022

Fowler, Timothy William         1971-75 on 19/10/22

French-Wright, Ian Renwick 1942-45 on 8/11/22

Garden, Robert Alastair         1950-51 on 31/1/2022

Gaskell, Raymond Lewis 1944-45 on 7/4/2022

Glenn, Peter McNair 1943-47 on 11/8/22

Grant, Ronald Douglas         1941-43 on 27/5/2022

Gurnsey, Anthony Frederick George 1942-46 on 27/8/22

Haley, David Walter         1951-53 on 9/10/22

Hanna, John Crozier (known as Peter) 1943-46 on 9/6/2022

Hayes, Trevor Geoffrey         1953-57 on 5/10/22

Heinz, William Emil         1947 on 21/5/2022

Hillstead, William James         2007-11 on 24/9/22

Hindle, Derek Lloyd         1945-46 on 20/1/2022

Hopkins, Roger William         1944-47 on 4/8/22

Hunter, Harold William         1942-46 on 9/6/2022

Hunter, Robert Charles         1952-57 on 3/10/22

Hunter, Ian Alexander 1953-57 on 8/12/22

Huston, Maxin Joseph Francis 1961-62 on 27/8/22

Inwood, Mervyn Wallace         1949-53 on 8/12/22

Jackson, David Alexander 1948-52 on 7/5/2022

Jacobs, Peter Sidney         1955-57 on 13/2/2022

James, James Kenneth         1943-46 on 4/2/2022

Jarvis, John Barry         1961-64 on 3/11/22

Jermyn, Scott Fraser 1989-93 on 26/5/2022

Johnson, Bruce         1950-53 on 19/10/22

Jones, Owen Charles 1941-46 on 29/6/2022

Joughin, Peter Trevor 1951 on 10/4/2022

Judson, Kenneth Brian         1958-60 on 18/2/2022

Kennedy, Colin Westlake Stuart 1944 on 12/12/22

Kilty, Richard Mark         1977-80 on 28/1/2022

Kingston, John Brett 1963-68 Late 2021

Laing, Andrew Kenneth         1966-70 on 12/4/2022

Leggat, David Gordon         1971-75 on 4/8/22

Lewis, Brent David         1966-73 on 29/5/2022

Lintott, Brian Edwin         1945-48 on 28/7/2022

Lucas, Terence Walter         1947-51 on 8/7/2022

Luxton, Peter Richard 1941-43 on 4/3/2022

Mackay, David William Walter 1954-58 on 12/11/22

MacLean QSO, Allan Neil 1958-62 on 16/11/22

Marshall, Wayne Maxwell 1962-94 on 20/6/2022

Marson, Peter John 1956-59 on 28/7/2022

Matthews, Bruce Robert         1951 on 24/8/22

McClurg, Nigel Maurice         1970-74 on July 22

McElroy, Roger Ian         1953-57 on 17/12/22

McKeogh, Barry Henry         1952-54 on 15/12/22

McNeil, Keith Ramsay         1945-47 on 16/6/2022

McRae, Garth Cransom         1951-52 on 25/8/..

Moffitt, Neville Francis         1954-58 on 25/8/22

Moore, Andrew Lindsay         1955-58 on 1/6/2022

Moore, Peter John         1947-48 on 9/6/2022

Pannett, Bryan William John on 28/2/2022

Parsonson, William Mitchell 1955-58 on 2/6/2022

Parton, Philip David 1954-58 on 25/6/2022

Pattrick, Brian Laughton         1941-44 on 7/10/22

Pavelka, Norman Michael 1943-46 on 25/4/2022

Pearson, Geoffrey Alexander 1954-58 on 10/12/22

Penrose, Douglas Trenowith 1944-46 on 12/1/2022

Perfect, Neil         1956-60 on 12/5/2022

Perham, Peter Frederick 1950-54 on 6/8/22

Powell, Robert Philip 1950-52 on 24/1/2022

Powell, David Roy         1955-59 on 24/11/22

Purchas, Graeme Edward 1956-60 on 28/1/2022

Rawlings, David Eric 1960-61 on 18/9/22

Reeves, John William 1948-52 on 17/5/2022

Reid, Peter Robert         1965-66 on 15/6/2022

Rhos, Michael Joseph         2007-11 on 21/7/2022

Riddell, Michael Robert         1946-47 on 3/4/2022

Ritchie, Robert George         1944-47 on 20/6/2022

Roberts, Peter Sherwood 1951 on 19/6/2022

Roberts, Jon Francis 1952-56 on 11/12/22

Robinson, Anthony Walter 1960-64 on 29/6/2022

Rondel, John Paul         1977-80 on 20/4/2022

Rountree, Brian Anthony         1942-43 on 10/10/22

Rudd, Gordon David 1950-52 on 19/5/2022

Russell, Christopher John 1958-61 on 21/6/2022

Scoggins, Bruce Alan 1954-57 on 20/3/2022

Scott, Donald McMillan         1946-47 on 28/3/2022

Scott, Robert Lachlan 1947-49 on 6/9/22

Shaw, Brian Heaton 1946-47 on 18/3/2022

Shultz, Norman Leslie 1942 on 2/12/22

Skurr, Ronald Walter 1938-39 on 25/1/2022

Smeaton, Dale William         1959-62 on 21/6/2022

Smith, Lindasy Churchill         1943-45 on 26/3/2022

Smith, Ross Granville 1946-49 on 25/7/2022

Smith, Robin MacDonald 1948-52 on 22/7/22

Smyth, Richard Barnsley 1951-53 on 7/12/22

Sprott, Albert Mervyn Thomas 1947 on 26/2/2022

St John, Brian Lawrence 1951-54 on 28/9/22

Steven, Robert Craig 1938-39 on 22/4/2022

Stewart, Ian McDonald         1944-46 on 21/2/2022

Stone,William Geoffrey         1964-68 on 9/10/22

Sykes, Edwin John         1987-91 on 18/8/22

Symonds, Anthony Alan         1952-56 on 3/5/2022

Taggart, John Roscoe 1947-50 on 28/6/2022

Tait, Jaques William 1942 on 17/2/2022

Taylor, Peter Harold 1965-69 on 25/1/2022

Taylor, Max Graham 1948-52 on 4/5/2022

Templeton, Callum Forbes 1944-46 on 16/5/2022

Thomas, Charles Roman 1943-48 on 26/4/2022

Thomas, Peter Edwin Jeffery          1963-67 on 8/12/22

Todd, William James 1946-48 on 29/6/2022

Townsend, Rev Arthur Ronald 1947-45 on 10/2/2022

Venning, Rodney Brian         1947-50 on 10/12/22

Walker, Malcolm James         1952-57 on 29/1/2022

White, Derrick Alan         1938-40 on 10/4/2022

Whitehouse, Peter Brien         1963-67 on 10/11/22

Wild, Bryce Churton 1956-59 on 18/1/2022

Winchester, Edward Charles 1990-94 on 4/11/22


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