The Altiora Peto Award

Scholarship, Service, Sport and Spirit’

Each year since 2006, the Altiora Peto Award has been presented at the Founders Day Assembly.

The selection committee have requested that Members be invited to put forward names of Old Boys who might be considered as appropriate candidates for the Award.

The “Criteria for the Altiora Peto Award” are set out below. Members wishing to propose candidates for this prestigious Award should forward names, plus brief details of the candidate’s career and achievements, to the Association Secretary. 

The Selection Criteria

  • National and/or International, achievement in one or more of the areas of ‘Scholarship, Service, Sport and Spirit’

  • A fine role model for past and present young men

Previous Recipients:

2006        Walter Arnold Hadlee

Charles Seymor Luney

Sir Lawrence Herbert Govan

2007        John Frederick Burrows

2008        Christopher Keith Doig

2009        Sir Richard John Hadlee

2010        Peter West England

2011        Sir Graham William Henry

2012        Barry John Maister

2013        Prof Emiritus Robin Wayne Carrell, FRS

2014 Sir Ian Charles Athfield,

2015 Hon David Francis Caygill

2016 Dr Selwyn Gerald Maister

2017 Dr David Conway Hopkins OAM

        Anson William Austin

2018 Dr Lionel John Wood

2019 Elrick James Hooper

2020 Dr Ashley F. Wilson PhD

2021        John Robert Osmers CNZM

2022        Major General John Boswell

Your attention to this matter would be appreciated. Please send nominations to the Secretary.

Altiora Peto,

Chris Carthy, Secretary,


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